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Wafer Inspection Sorter System UltraGage



ADE KLA TENCOR 9530-NT UltraGageis a high-performance wafer testing and metrology equipment designed to meet the most demanding production requirements. It features a precision XYZ positioning stage, a large 9-inch wafer measurement range, and a high-resolution particle imaging microscope (PIM). The system incorporates cutting-edge image processing technology to accurately measure edge profiles, conductor imagers, and other physical characteristics of silicon wafers. The high precision unit is equipped with a beam splitter, a 7-inch color LCD display, and a large open port design.


It features a dual-laser profilometer, an optical inspection module, and an imaging acquisition machine.

The tool is also equipped with advanced metrology measurements, such as non-contact reflectance, photo-induced force microscopy (PIFM), also some treasure fresh laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), and surface topography analysis.

The asset is capable of measuring wafer defects, such as micrometer-scale bumps, clock-speed variations, and localized variations in metal deposition.

It is ideal for wafer processes including semiconductor, integrated circuit (IC), MEMS device, LED, solar cell production, and other similar processes. It features a simple user interface that allows the user to quickly set up, the use and operate the model. The equipment has an intuitive graphic user interface (GUI) that makes it easy to set-up and operate, as well as a user-friendly command line console for advanced users.

Additionally, it includes automated sequence processing, making it easy to program and monitor multiple wafers quickly.

ADE 9530-NT UltraGage also includes a temperature control function that ensures accurate metrology across temperature and humidity ranges. This feature allows the system to perform consistent measurements over a range of temperature and humidity levels.

Additionally, the optical microscope unit features a focus adjustment tool, making it easier to analyze multiple samples.


  • Non-contact capacitive probe measurement with 10nm resolution
  • 400 to 1000 microns wafer thickness range
  • Capable of handling 100mm to 200mm wafers
  • Measures bow and warp, site and global flatness, thickness.
  • 2 cassette input stations
  • 3 cassette output stations
  • Pre-aligner station
  • High Res resist station
  • Flatness station
  • Single end effector robot
  • Ultrascan controller
  • 9300 power supply
  • 350 arm controller
  • Unix computer and drive


In summary, KLA 9530-NT UltraGage is a high-performance wafer testing and metrology machine designed to meet the most demanding production requirements.

Its features include a precision XYZ positioning stage, a large 9-inch wafer measurement range, a high-resolution particle imaging microscope, a dual-laser profilometer, an optical inspection module, an imaging acquisition tool, as well as an automated sequence processing asset with an intuitive graphical user interface. Additionally, its temperature control function ensures accurate metrology measurements across temperature and humidity levels.